Date: Soon
Schedule: 6-8pm Mexico
Duration: 8 Classes
Online Course
Facilitator: Dra. Rebeka Piña, D.D.
Assistant Teacher: Ada Demitrópulos
Guest Teacher: Enua Condeso, 10 years leading Courses for Children and Adolescents at CSL Alquimia in Lima, Peru.
Course Description
The course explores the psychology, spiritual trend and cultural programming of the Millennia also known as “Generation Y” to better understand their needs, and thus create relevant educational, service and spiritual programs. We will also see the CSL Programs for Children and Youth "Generation Z", with which they can create a class for them within their existing Centers or Study Groups, or as an initiative to serve the community.
Be a Spiritual Leader of Mind Science
The School of Spiritual Leadership (SSL, ELE in spanish) has designed a 3 to 5 year program to prepare and educate people to achieve a certification in awareness studies. These courses can be taken in any order and started at any time.
This is an accredited program that encourages personal growth and transformation, increases leadership skills, explores the philosophy of New Thought and ignites creative expression.
This unique program is dedicated to the education of spiritual leaders by offering an extraordinary distance education program in Consciousness Studies in the areas of education, leadership, philosophy, science and spirituality, psychology and religion.
Our spirits come on when we are doing what we love.
You will find that your experience in ELE is unlike any other route you have traveled. Prepare to immerse yourself in the great spiritual, philosophical and scientific teachings of the world and, through them, deepen your spiritual leadership practice. Our dedicated students find lifelong friends among their classmates, and love their personal growth and their development in ELE.
Facilitated by experts in different disciplines. The program includes an interesting, highly spiritual curriculum.
For our classes we use cutting-edge technology: a virtual platform where you can find all the class material, share your ideas and discoveries, stay in private communication with your classmates through Forums. The learning platform is accessible 24 hours a day. To communicate by sound and video we use videoconferences during the weekly classes. If you require it, we have an advisor on hand to train you in technology before the class starts. Classes are recorded and a log of everything written is saved.
The course is only available to Science of Mind Practitioners.
Registration requirements:
Technological Requirements:
Any new interested party will first have a personal interview of approximately 15 minutes to clarify doubts and decide if this teaching system is appropriate to their needs.
Fee: $200 USD (NUEVA cuota, en apoyo a nuestros estudiantes afectados por la contingencia sanitaria)